Holiday Celebrations on a Retiree Budget

The holidays are a joyful and busy time, filled with loved ones, presents and decorations—but, those of us who are older and recently retired may be concerned about celebrating the holidays to the fullest, while sticking to a retiree’s budget. Here, the elder care professionals at Avila Home Care detail ways to have a festive and enjoyable holiday while sticking to a budget.

Get Creative with Decorations

Holiday decorations do not have to be expensive to have a beautiful impact. Paper snowflakes, cranberries or popcorn on string, glitter-painted pinecones and taper candles are all inexpensive ways to bring some holiday cheer to your home. Also, considering downsizing your Christmas tree—a “Charlie Brown” Christmas tree is not only much less expensive, but also requires fewer decorations and much less hassle to put up and take down.

Scale Back Gift-Giving

Gift-giving can quickly become expensive, especially for those who have large, extended families. Instead, consider having a Secret Santa gift exchange, where each person is responsible for getting one person a surprise gift. Or, forgo gift-giving altogether, and instead get together for a delicious dinner, or volunteer as a family with a local charitable organization. Homemade gifts, such as a quilt or knitted scarf, also hold more sentimental value than store-bought presents, and are much less expensive.

Host Holiday Celebrations Instead of Traveling or Going Out

Throwing a holiday party at a restaurant or catered venue can become very expensive, and traveling to a friend or loved one’s home for the holidays can be pricey as well. Instead, consider hosting holiday gatherings at your own home, and have everyone bring homemade dishes to share. This will also make the holidays easier for those with chronic health conditions, which can make travel and extended outings difficult.

Remember the Purpose of the Holidays

Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday may seem to denote otherwise, but the true purpose of the holidays is to get together with friends and loved ones, and celebrate the spirit of the season. So, don’t worry if you are not able to throw an extravagant holiday party, or buy a ton of presents—focus on showing your holiday spirit in other, more meaningful ways, such as sending thoughtful holiday cards or getting together to go caroling.

The Caretakers at Avila Home Care Wish Everyone a Happy Holiday

The holidays are a time to reflect on the joys and pleasures of life, so amid the hustle and bustle of decorating, celebrating and shopping, be sure to stop and express gratitude for the season. From the caretakers at Avila Home Care, we wish everyone a very joyful and safe holiday season! For more information about Avila Home Care and how our caretakers may be able to help, contact us today.

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