Helena Smith is Avila’s Caregiver of the Month for April, 2023!

We are delighted to share that Helena Smith has been selected as Avila’s Caregiver of the Month for April! Helena is a loving and nurturing Caregiver, and she treats all of her clients as if they were her own parents. She sings to them, makes them laugh and even takes them out for ice cream! Helena’s beautiful spirit brings joy to her clients, other Avila Caregivers and the Avila office team alike. Helena says that she was called to be a Caregiver- and we sure are grateful that she answered her calling!

Sharing is caring!

Best Practices When Cooking for One

November 18, 2019

Cooking for one may seem like it is not worth the effort. The time and money many individuals associate with cooking for one may steer them away from making home-cooked meals and towards eating out instead. While cooking for one may require additional planning ahead of time, there are many benefits to picking up this…


Top COVID-19 Scams for the Elderly to Avoid

April 10, 2020

Unfortunately, in the midst of a global crisis caused by the novel coronavirus, many scammers have found an opportunity to target the elderly community. The home care professionals at Avila Home Care want you to stay proactive about protecting yourself from hackers, scammers and other threats. Here are a few of the top COVID-19 scams…


Faith, Music and Minnie- Avila Caregiver
Bernadette Lowther Brings Hope to Her Clients

June 21, 2022

The youngest of three girls and three boys, Avila Caregiver Bernadette Lowther grew up in Baltimore and attended the Historic St. Paul Community Baptist Church, where she still worships today. “Once the foundation of faith is set, you have it forever.”