Emily Sullivan, R.N.
Director of Nursing
My story in a nutshell
I learned at an early age to care about others. I learned this from watching my parents, being actively involved in our church, and from growing up with neighbors and friends who genuinely cared about each other. My years in this culture of caring was the main reason I decided to become a nurse. Graduating as a diploma nurse I immediately started to work. While working I completed my Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing and my Master’s Degree in Professional Health Occupations.
A Career of Caring
I have been fortunate to have a long career doing what I love. My 40 years of experience includes working in homecare, hospice, doctor’s offices, hospitals, and in many other healthcare settings. My numerous trips through Grace Fellowship Church to Kyrgyzstan and Indonesia to support families in need were special experiences that reinforced my love of caring for others.
A Caring Family
My life has always been family focused. There were the wonderful years growing up with a sister and two brothers. As adults we are still very close. My sister and I were the primary caregivers for our parents in their later years. I realize the challenges of taking care of family members and doing so with love. As a parent of two wonderful sons and now a grandparent to the best grandsons ever, I know the weight of responsible caring.
My years of caring personally and professionally bring me to a point in my life where I love being able to help others care for the special people in their lives.
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