A Message from Avila Home Care Founder, Danny O'Brien

Yesterday marked 9 months since I started my new business Avila Home Care.  That first day, we served two clients with three caregivers.  It was the beginning of what has been a wonderful adventure so far.  Today, we have over 70 dedicated caregivers providing outstanding care to the amazing families we have the privilege of serving.  I am so thankful.

Whenever you start something new, you think it’s going to work well (otherwise you wouldn’t do it!).  But you don’t know for sure until you actually get into it.  We had lots of questions as we were starting.  Will we find great caregivers?  Will they show up when they’re supposed to?  Will they be self-motivated to do a great job?  Will enough clients come our way?  Will all the pieces of the puzzle come together?

It has been so exciting to see each of these questions be answered so positively.  Now, people ask me, “Where do you find so many great caregivers?”  My answer is, “I don’t.  They find me.”  Every day we have caregivers call us wanting to work at Avila.  Our caregivers love our mission and our commitment to excellence.  Excellent caregivers who are highly motivated to serve love working for a company who affirms the dignity of their calling.  Our hiring philosophy is simple:  We hire people who would do this work for free if they could (because they feel called to it) – and then we pay them more than anyone else.  The fruit of this is having an incredible team who demonstrates kindness, compassion, reliability and excellent care every day.

Another joy has been the privilege of coming alongside some wonderful families.  The families we serve are great.  They care deeply about their loved ones and are committed to making sure that they receive the best possible care.  They also treat our caregivers with respect and kindness.  It is a true partnership between us, our caregivers and the families we serve.

It has been said that “Home Care is the most relational business there is.”  I believe it.  The relationship between a caregiver and the client she serves makes all the difference.  But it is also the relationships between caregivers and the clients’ families.  And the relationships between our office and leadership team and the caregivers.  And the relationships we have with the families we serve.  The strength of these relationships allows us to provide the best possible care and services.

Our clients range in age from 28 to 100.  We have clients whom we serve for as few as 3 hours per week and others we serve 24/7.  For some, it is simply companionship and taking them on errands and appointments.  For others, it is compassionate care for someone at the end of life who needs assistance with virtually every activity of daily living.

We are starting our 10th month today filled with gratitude for the past nine months and hopefulness for the future.  If you know someone who would like to join our team as a caregiver, send them our way.  Or if you know someone who could use some assistance to thrive in the home they love – send them to us as well.  It would be our honor to serve them.

Sharing is caring!

What if my Parents are Resistant to Home Care?

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