Budgeting Basics for the Best Aging in Place Experience

Even if you are a senior, it never hurts to be mindful of your finances and stick to a proper budget plan that works for you. These tips are especially helpful if you are retired and no longer have a steady source of income. Here, the home care professionals at Avila Home Care detail simple budgeting basics for seniors.

 Create a Monthly Budget and Stick to It

If you are a senior, chances are you are retired and no longer have a set income from your employer. This does not mean you have no money coming in—you may be collecting a substantial pension, your social security checks or money from your retirement fund. Whatever the source of your income, it is always wise to budget your money so you can remain financially healthy and be able to care for yourself as you age.

An easy way to keep track of your expenses and save money is to create a monthly budget plan and keep yourself accountable to stick within it. For example, you can set up an individualized budget plan on paper, on a digital spreadsheet or even through a phone app. Include your monthly bills, such as your rent or mortgage payment, as well as your utility bills, insurance bills, medical bills and any credit card payments that you may owe. Then, factor in how much you wish to spend on monthly amenities like groceries, gas and miscellaneous items such as going out to a restaurant or buying new clothes. Make sure you have enough funds left over to save so you can cushion your bank account and remain financially healthy. There are plenty of budget calculators available online to help you make financially sound decisions that set you up for success.

 Get The Most Out of Your Utility Bill

If you are concerned about your finances, and have already cut out unnecessary or frivolous expenses from your budget, consider ways in which you can reduce your utility bills. Many gas and electric companies offer budget-friendly plans that offer fixed monthly payments so you always know what you owe every month. In addition, consider implementing money-saving and environmentally conscious practices such as turning off lights when you are not in the room, opening your windows instead of relying on air conditioning and unplugging any items that you are not actively using.

 Stay on the Lookout for Internet Scams

Unfortunately, seniors are most at risk for becoming victims of phishing and Internet scams. Clicking on just one illegitimate email can make you a victim of identity theft and cost you a significant amount of money. In order to protect yourself from hackers, never open an email where you do not know or trust the sender. Never click on any suspicious links and consider allowing a loved one to have access to your emails or bank statements to ensure that you are not being scammed.

 Seek Assistance From an Avila Home Care Professional

Here at Avila Home Care, we know how important it is for seniors to be responsible with their finances and stick to a budget so they can remain financially healthy during their golden years. The home care specialists at Avila Home Care offer a wide range of supportive and personal services, and that includes helping you budget and stay financially sound. Our aging in place professionals can even help you shop for groceries and other essentials all while sticking to your budget. To learn more, contact Avila Home Care today.




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