Vivette Epie is Avila’s Caregiver of the Month for July, 2021!

Avila is delighted to share that Vivette Epie is our Caregiver of the Month for July, 2021!  Vivette is one of the most joyful caregivers you will ever meet!  She loves to care for people and she serves her clients with tremendous dedication.  She is always willing to jump in and help whenever she is needed.  Vivette has been with Avila for a over a year and we are so thankful to have her on our team!

Sharing is caring!

How Technology Improves Aging in Place

October 7, 2017

While the benefits of aging in place greatly outnumber the challenges, there are a few difficulties that must be mitigated. Fortunately, in our age of constantly evolving technology, these problems are easily and conveniently solved. Here, the aging in place specialists at Avila Home Care detail the challenges faced by those choosing to age in…

Home Care

Home Care

March 23, 2021

When last year’s pandemic struck, many were distressed to see how the most vulnerable of our communities were being impacted- especially seniors. Both staff and patients in nursing homes and residential care facilities were some of the hardest hit, which led to concerns about safety and highlighted the importance of vigilance in congregate care. Home…


One Year Later, Avila Continues to Provide Compassionate Care

September 6, 2017

Today is our birthday.  One year ago, today, Avila Home Care began this great adventure of serving clients.  That first day, three caregivers served two clients.  I remember meeting our first caregivers at our clients’ homes that day.  Would the caregivers show up?  Would they do a good job?  Will we have the opportunity to…