Danny O'Brien

Registered Nurse

My story in a nutshell

I’ve enjoyed the great privilege throughout my professional career to serve in roles that make a real difference in the lives of real people. Avila Home Care represents the integration of my professional experiences in senior living, health care and pastoral ministry. I believe that the diversity of my professional background and experiences will enable us to provide all the care and services that you or your loved one needs to thrive in the home you love – extraordinary care delivered with unparalleled kindness. 

From pediatrics to hospice

My entire career has been dedicated to serving people, from young children to the elderly. I started out at Johns Hopkins University in pediatrics. Then, when my children were young and needed me at home, I was fortunate to work from home doing case management.

With my children grown, my focus has turned to home care and hospice nursing. These ten-plus years have been the most fulfilling season of my nursing career because I’ve been allowed the honor of serving patients, and their families, as they near the end of life. I count it an extraordinary privilege to bring light and joy to these holy, very human moments.

Get in touch today

We’d love to meet you and learn more about your situation and your needs. Please give us a call, send us an email or fill out our contact form.