News Year’s Resolutions for Seniors Aging in Place

There’s no better time to adopt healthy and responsible practices than the beginning of a new calendar year. The homecare providers at Avila Home Care outline several ways seniors can commit to improving their life and their health in 2017.

The last month of the calendar year is a wonderful time to spend with family and friends enjoying the holiday season. It is also an excellent opportunity to take stock of the past year. Are there decisions you wish you could change? Lifestyle choices and habits that you had hoped to adapt? The end of the calendar year is a perfect time to make these assessments, and to set new goals for the upcoming year.

This year, if you are a senior who is aging in place, consider making the following New Year’s Resolutions:

Farewell to Falls

One third of older adults are injured from falls every year. Set a date to assess your home’s fall risks and hazards. Remove or modify the features of any area that could cause a misstep, such as a throw rug or a slippery surface, and consider putting night lights in every room to ensure safer navigation in the dark.

Frequent falls may also be the sign of a health concern. If you do not exercise regularly, add an afternoon walk to your daily routine. Strengthening muscles that help with balance will also decrease your fall risk. Finally, ask your doctor if your medications could be making you more prone to falling.

Nutrition in the New Year

The golden years are a time to indulge in life’s little pleasures. That being said, healthy eating habits remain important for older adults. Whole foods like fruits and vegetables that are rich in color should be eaten with every meal. Pair these with whole grains and fiber-rich foods, as well as low-fat and heart-friendly proteins such as fish and turkey.

Regular servings of dairy are an important source of bone-fortifying Vitamin D, while healthy oils and fats such as olive oil reduce the need for higher calorie substitutes like butter. Particularly if you are monitoring your blood pressure, swap salt for other spices and fresh herbs to improve taste without increasing cholesterol levels.

Fresh Finances

How long has it been since you reviewed your retirement plan? The financial environment has likely changed since you last assessed the status of your accounts and holdings.

Make a commitment to perform a full financial review, either on your own or with the help of a financial management professional or estate planning attorney. Create a series of budgets for yourself based on the amount you have saved, and allow for an emergency fund in case of unanticipated costs. Having confidence that your finances are in order and that you have planned your financial future wisely will give you confidence and peace of mind.

This December, ask yourself what positive changes you would most like to make in your life. No matter what you choose, creating a plan of action will help motivate you to reach your goals. Inform a loved one or friend of what you plan to do to increase your accountability.

If you or a loved one have questions about improving quality of life for aging in place seniors, contact the homecare providers at Avila Home Care today.

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