Faith, Music and Minnie- Avila Caregiver Bernadette Lowther Brings Hope to Her Clients

Avila Caregiver Bernadette Lowther has led a life of faith and compassion- with the joy of service, music and Minnie Mouse sprinkled on top! An avid church-goer, mother, Caretaker for her parents and worker with the State and in home care, Bernadette shares, “When I started to care for my dad and mom, I knew it was my calling. It’s a breath of fresh air for me to do for seniors what they can’t do for themselves.”

Read more about Bernadette’s inspirational life of service!

Sharing is caring!

Can Coffee Protect Against Alzheimer’s?

February 21, 2019

Recent studies have shown that caffeine may protect against cognitive disorders, like Alzheimer’s disease, due to its stimulating effects on the central nervous system. Here, the home care providers at Avila Home Care detail why including a cup of coffee in your daily routine may do more than just help you wake up in the…


Nora Margani is Avila’s Caregiver of the Month for August, 2022!

June 21, 2022

Nora is an exceptional Caregiver- she cares deeply for her Avila clients and understands their needs. Nora is the consummate professional and is incredibly thorough when she provides care. She is communicative and detail-oriented. We are very fortunate to have Nora on the Avila Home Care team- congratulations!


Outdoor Activities for Seniors

April 14, 2018

Enjoying the great outdoors can have a plethora of benefits for senior citizens. Here, the home care specialists at Avila Home Care explain the benefits of outdoor activity and describe outdoor activities that can easily accommodate seniors of all activity levels. The Benefits of Outdoor Activity for Seniors The benefits of outdoor activity have been…