Elderly Driving Safety in Winter Weather

Driving naturally becomes more challenging as we age, but winter weather can compound these difficulties and make driving quite treacherous. Here, the home care and elderly caregivers at Avila Home Care provide tips for elderly drivers when traveling in winter conditions. Prepare for the Winter Driving Season A car that is in optimal driving condition…

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Preventing Slips and Falls in Icy Weather

Slush, sleet, black ice and snow—every winter, these weather phenomena contribute to slips, trips and falls. For the elderly, even a minor slip or fall could cause serious injuries, meaning that practicing caution and care is critical. Here, the elderly care providers at Avila Home Care detail ways to prevent slips and falls in icy…

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Holiday Celebrations on a Retiree Budget

The holidays are a joyful and busy time, filled with loved ones, presents and decorations—but, those of us who are older and recently retired may be concerned about celebrating the holidays to the fullest, while sticking to a retiree’s budget. Here, the elder care professionals at Avila Home Care detail ways to have a festive…

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Having a Safe Holiday Experience with Elderly Loved Ones

The holidays are a time of fun and celebration, but there are some elements of the holidays that may be hazardous to elderly individuals. Here, the homecare professionals at Avila Home Care detail ways to have a safe holiday experience with elderly loved ones. Socialize with Elderly Loved Ones at Their Pace The holidays are…

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Self-Defense While Aging in Place

While living alone brings freedom, dignity and independence, it can also make seniors vulnerable to those who wish to do them harm. As such, it is vital for seniors to know how to keep themselves safe. Here, the aging-in-place specialists at Avila Home Care details ways for seniors to defend themselves. A Department of Justice…

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Home Tips to Prepare for Winter Weather

Fall is here, and that means winter is just around the corner, with cold temperatures, icy walkways and gloomy skies. Here, the homecare specialists at Avila Home Care detail ways to help prepare you or your elderly loved one for impending winter weather. Check Outdoor Areas Fall is the perfect time to have a routine outdoor inspection…

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How Technology Improves Aging in Place

While the benefits of aging in place greatly outnumber the challenges, there are a few difficulties that must be mitigated. Fortunately, in our age of constantly evolving technology, these problems are easily and conveniently solved. Here, the aging in place specialists at Avila Home Care detail the challenges faced by those choosing to age in…

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How Yoga and Meditation Can Boost Elder Health and Wellness

Yoga and meditation has positive impacts on people of all ages, and some of these aspects are specifically beneficial for the elderly. Here, the home care and aging in place specialists at Avila Home Care explain how yoga and meditation can boost elder health and wellness. Improving Balance and Stability One of the biggest risks…

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Aging in Place in Rural Areas

There are many elderly people living in rural areas throughout the United States, and Maryland is no exception. This can present some advantages, but also challenges, for those choosing to age in place. Here, the aging in place specialists at Avila Home Care explain how living in rural areas impacts the aging in place experience.…

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One Year Later, Avila Continues to Provide Compassionate Care

Today is our birthday.  One year ago, today, Avila Home Care began this great adventure of serving clients.  That first day, three caregivers served two clients.  I remember meeting our first caregivers at our clients’ homes that day.  Would the caregivers show up?  Would they do a good job?  Will we have the opportunity to…

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