Dental Health Concerns for Seniors

Dental hygiene is important for individuals of all ages; however, seniors experience specific dental health issues due both to age and other factors. Here, the senior care providers at Avila Home Care discuss common dental health concerns for seniors, as well as strategies to maintain good dental health. Increased Likelihood of Cavities Cavities, or permanent…

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Aging in Place: Planning for Natural Disasters or Emergencies

While natural disasters and other emergencies affect everyone, older adults tend to be more vulnerable in these situations. Here, the caregivers at Avila Home Care help to ensure that aging in place seniors are prepared in the event of an emergency and have a plan to address their individual needs. Developing an emergency plan specific…

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Mental Health Concerns in Seniors are Under-Diagnosed

Studies have shown that seniors are less likely to be diagnosed—and consequently, treated—for mental health problems, even though this is an acute concern for aging populations. Here, the elder care providers at Avila Home Care discuss this issue and best practices for ensuring the senior in your life is getting the care they need. Mental…

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Shingles and the Elderly

Shingles, also known as herpes zoster, is a serious medical concern for elderly people. Here, the home care professionals at Avila Home Care provide the critical information elderly people need regarding this viral disease. What is Shingles? Shingles is a painful rash that develops on one side of the face or body that is caused…

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Outdoor Activities for Seniors

Enjoying the great outdoors can have a plethora of benefits for senior citizens. Here, the home care specialists at Avila Home Care explain the benefits of outdoor activity and describe outdoor activities that can easily accommodate seniors of all activity levels. The Benefits of Outdoor Activity for Seniors The benefits of outdoor activity have been…

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How to Emotionally Support Your Aging-in-Place Senior

Addressing the emotional needs of your aging-in-place senior can help them feel their life is meaningful, while helping them avoid depression or feelings of isolation and loneliness. The home care team at Avila Home Care believes that the emotional health of seniors is just as important as physical health in creating a rewarding aging-in-place experience,…

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Exercise: Why it Helps Improve Your Golden Years

While exercise is important for people of all ages, exercise is of particular importance for the elderly, as it can help to manage and even prevent many diseases and conditions that commonly afflict older people. Here, the elder care professionals at Avila Home Care explain why exercise is so critical for the elderly. Improves Management…

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Vaccines for the Elderly

Adults age 65 and older have specialized health needs, and this includes a specific vaccination protocol. Here, the home and elder care specialists discuss some of the most common vaccinations necessary for the elderly. As we age, our immune system naturally weakens, making us more susceptible to infectious diseases. Vaccines are designed to protect the…

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Keeping a Sharp Mind as You Age

As we age, our brain undergoes several changes, and these changes can affect our ability to think critically and recall important information. Fortunately, there are ways to help minimize the impact of these changes. Here, the elder care professionals at Avila Home Care provide tips for maintaining and improving cognitive function as you age. Maintain…

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How to Manage Seasonal Affective Disorder While Aging in Place

Many elderly people are susceptible to “the winter blues,” more formally known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Fortunately, there are ways to counteract the effects of this condition, and maintain high spirits during the dreary winter months. Here, the home care providers at Avila Home Care explain how to manage the symptoms of SAD. Seasonal…

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